
How we can help

At Steps we pride ourselves on supporting the whole family not just the child, although the child will always be our main focus we know the importance of offering care and support to the whole family.

This is what makes Steps unique - we embrace parents, siblings, grandparents and other friends and relatives into the Steps family.

During our face-to-face sessions, we welcome family members and friends to attend with the child. We will always try our best to accommodate any situation. During our online sessions, often many more family members can get involved including extended family members and grandparents. This is so vital because there are huge benefits to others/everyone in the home being familiar with the tasks we do, so that the child can be fully supported at home. We also hold regular fundraising events and family days for the whole family to enjoy.

Support with applications to other services

At Steps we work to the EYFS framework and keep detailed records on your child’s progress. We can provide supporting evidence for applications to a range of other services such as Early Years Team, Specialist Nursery, Blue Badge, DLA and Disability Grants.

Please talk to us if you’re unsure what other services you could access, as we can signpost you to various websites and organisations that can help.

Peer support

The parents and guardians of the children that attend Steps have often commented that Steps feels like a big family, and it really does. The beauty of our sessions is that parents partake in the session with their child and, in doing so, get to meet other parents who share similar experiences.

We can put you in touch with other parents so that you can chat, share your journey and gain wonderful insight often from people further down their journey. We hold Chatterbox at the start of every session. These are relaxed and informal sessions and are a great way to socialise with other families.

Useful websites

There are many great websites that hold a wealth of information for families with disabled children. We’ve linked some of the most useful ones here.